
How to Pass TfL Vehicle PCO Test 2025?

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Majid Ismailzada
Written by: Majid Ismailzada
Getting a PCO car is a great option for drivers to earn some extra cash and enjoy flexibility in their jobs. However, to drive your PCO car for ride-hailing and delivery services, you will need to get a Private Hire Vehicle License

In this article, we will walk you through the process of applying for a Private Hire Vehicle License, discuss the criteria and requirements of the application, and share some tips to ensure that you pass your vehicle inspection test. So read on!

Tips to Pass the TfL Vehicle PCO Test

When you go for the inspection, you will need to bring your car to the NSL centre. Here’s how to pass the TfL vehicle PCO test:

  • Make Sure that All Your Documents Are Valid
  • Valid-documents.jpg
    You may not believe this, but many drivers turn up with invalid or missing documents on the day of inspection. It is one of the most common causes of failure in the inspection test. You will need to bring along ALL of the documents mentioned later in this article. If the keeper slips you take is filled with the wrong details, your inspection will fail. Make sure that you fill in your own details instead of the seller’s details. 
  • Make Sure That Your Car Is Dent-Free
  • Another common cause of failure in the inspection test is a car with cosmetic damage. This includes dents, scratches, and other damages, whether they are big or small. If your car has any cosmetic damage on its exterior body, make sure it is repaired before you go for the inspection. Even the smallest dents will be noticed by the inspection party, and they may fail your inspection. So make sure you don’t take any risks and be on the safe side. 

    One trick to avoid this, especially if the dent is near the back bumper, is by putting a GB sticker over it. But it would be best if you only did this when the dent is very small.

    Other signs of wear and tear, such as damaged paint behind the boot on the top of the bumper, will also make you fail your inspection. Make sure that the paint is not removed or scratched from anywhere. Take your car to a body shop if needed. 

  • Make Sure that the Tapestry Is Not Damaged
  • Another cause of a failed inspection is a damaged tapestry in the car seats, mats, or ceiling. If there are any holes in any of these areas, the inspection party may fail your inspection. Make sure that the tapestry in your car is in good condition. 

    One trick to avoid this is by putting a seat cover on the car seats so that damaged seats are not visible. Make sure you place new mats in the car before an inspection as they are not too expensive.

    Make sure that you follow all of these tips to ensure that you pass the TfL vehicle inspection. Read on to find out how you can book your inspection and why it is necessary.

    Getting a Private Hire Vehicle License

    Before you register your vehicle for the Private Hire Vehicle license, you first need to determine whether you really need the license for your car. You may not need the license if your car is already licensed. You will only need to apply for the license if your car has expired or if your car does not have a Private Hire Vehicle License
    So if your car already has a license, you can submit the documents on the platform and start driving. You will need to ensure that the license documents have been sent to TfL by the previous owner. Once that’s taken care of, TfL will send over a new Private Hire License in your name.
    But if your PCO car doesn’t have a Private Hire Vehicle license, you will need to get your car inspected. Since your PCO car will be getting licensed for the first time, you will need to meet the following conditions:
    • Make sure that if your PCO car is under 18 months old, it is zero-emission capable. This means that it should either be fully electric or a plug-in hybrid.
    • Make sure that if your PCO car is older than 18 months old, it is Euro 6 for all fuel types, and the model is not more than ten years old.

    How to Book a TfL Inspection for Your PCO Car?


    If you want to book an inspection by TfL for your PCO car to get a new license or renew your expired license, you can book the inspection online or call the TfL inspection line at 0343 222 5555. However, since the waiting time could be really long on the phone line, it is best that you do it online. 

    You will need to pay a fee of £140 in advance to license your car. Once you have paid this fee, you will have the right to book a free inspection in the future in case your first one fails. 

    After you have booked your license, you will need to bring the following documents along on the day when the inspection is scheduled.

    • A bill of sale.
    • An MOT certificate that is issued within the last 14 days.
    • Hire and reward insurance documents.
    • An existing PHV vehicle license in case you are going for a renewal.
    • A V5c DVLA Vehicle Registration Certificate.


    When you go for the inspection, you will need to sign an agreement according to which you will be committing not to use the care for Private Hire if it fails the inspection. 

    Conclusion about TfL Vehicle PCO Test

    So that’s all about getting your PHV vehicle license and passing the TfL vehicle inspection. Visit G&M Direct Hire to get a PCO car in great condition for rent.
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